Dracula has always been quite the ladies' man, and you've got to admire that. Who hasn't wanted to immediately seduce that beautiful woman with merely a stare? The ladies swoon and expose delicate body parts in response. Dracula has a thing for necks. That's cool, but personally I wouldn't stop there.
He seems to pick up chicks pretty easily wherever he goes. Sometimes in the movies we see him obsess on the high class lady only to get her horny friend instead. It's the Victorian equivalent of the messy drunken sorority chick at the frat party. You know the type, the big girl with the crush on you whom after a few beers won't stop talking until after you hook up with her and she passes out, but hopefully not before you're done. Dracula is sometimes similarly momentarily distracted for an easy quickie and so he takes his sights off the classy chick until there's inevitably a staking and it doesn't end well for him or the fat chick. Oh, he might get his fangs once on the classy chick but she never fully turns into a vampiress and she turns out to be a big tease in the end, anyway. That's right, go back to your American cowboy or your aristocratic English chap and in 10 years when you wake up and see those wrinkles you can remember how empowering those nascent fangs felt sprouting between your lips and how you never would be needing to slather your skin in heaps of Oil of Olay or whatever you use to keep it supple because you could have had gallons of virgin blood to wallow in.
But back to the subject at hand; his three ladies home at the castle. He usually has some pretty good taste too, probably he's used to getting the choicest Fräuleins back in old Bavaria whilst terrorizing the locale townsfolk until they give them up. Many times he goes for the triple scoop, a blond, brunette and redhead. Drac's the man.
 | The 3 brides that started it all in Dracula (1931). Frankly, it's hard for me to tell if chicks were hot from this era. |
 | Colleen Fitzpatrick, Jeri Ryan and Jennifer Esposito Dracula 2000 in one of Dracula's finest harems. |
 | That chick from the frat party? |
 | That's supermodel Josie Maran on the left, whom never looked better. Van Helsing (2004). |
 | One of those high-class Victorian ladies whom never quite turn vampiric enough. Dracula Prince of Darkness (1966) |
 | Fashion model Michaela Bercu, Supermodel/Actress Monica Bellucci, and hot actress Florina Kendrick, Bram Stoker's Dracula (1993) |
 | A beautiful bride. |
it will be a waste of power if he use it with ugly women (according to what beauty and ugly is now days). And yes, I admire the power Dracula has. You know how cool and easy will be to pick up beautiful girls with such power? No talking; straight to the action.
Think about Dracula with 3 ugly ladies. It doesn't look good, right?
Lucy in Stoker´s work was classy and clean and feminine, sort of Red rose to Mina´s Snow white (if someone remembers that Grimm´s fairy-tale) with "unequalled sweeetness and purity", a "lily-like girl" etc. She probably never needed bathroom, she was too clean and unpolluted. Why Dracula chose her? For food. Perhaps he wanted classy lady to turn to a classy vampire, who knows.
I agree. After all, Dracula is a ladies' man, and imagine how cool and easy it would be to pick beautiful women with powers like his!
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